Olympus Algram
Olympus has been providing cutting edge medical systems, sound and photography innovations and life science advancements for over 100 years. Starting off as a small microscope business in Japan back in 1919, the Olympus group has grown to become one of the largest and leading companies in the world for both medical and photography innovations. In fact Olympus is now the leader in gastrointestinal endoscopic equipment accounting for 70% of the market. (This endoscopic equipment is the kit doctors use to look at and check the health of the inside our stomachs and small intestines)
The Plymouth Algram site works within the medical side of the business and is responsible for producing parts for the company’s collection of over 20000 patterned products. Employees here are also responsible for the development of new products to add to this collection as well as maintaining many of the tools that allow their production. Staff at the Plymouth factory also produce components for the automotive and aerospace industry too! The majority of products are sent to parts of the Olympus business for shipping and selling, however some other parts produced on site are sold directly to the buyer including companies like Bentley, Rolls Royce and Eaton aerospace.
STEM Job Roles at Olympus Algram include: Toolroom Engineer, Project Engineer, Tool Designer, Process Engineer, Maintenance Engineer
Apprenticeships: Algram often recruits 2 to 3 apprentices each year in different aspects of the company.
Work Experience Placements are possible. Placements are usually around a week long. This ranges from working with and shadowing engineers to working alongside the production team or purchasing department.
Did you know?
The company manufactures such a variety of medical devices that their products can be used to identify and treat over 100 different kinds of diseases.
Olympus Algram also produces the panelling used in the Trent 1000 engines which powers the turbines on the Boeing 787 Dreamliner series
Last year Olympus made a profit margin of 793.9 billion Yen, that’s about the equivalent of 5.71 billion pounds! With that much money you could buy over 350 luxury supercars such as the Bugatti Veyron!
Since 1996 Olympus has won over 275 awards for its design and development of these products and the company was one of the top 100 most innovative companies from 2011 to 2017.
Top Facts
151 Employees currently work at the Algram site in Plympton, Plymouth, UK
Globally there are 35,124 employees within the Olympus business
Olympus has locations in the UK (Plymouth, Southend and Cardiff) and everal other countries including Vietnam, Czech Republic, 2 sites in Germany, 3 sites in America and 4 sites in Japan. In total Olympus operates within 39 different countries and regions globally.